There has been a great deal of interest as of late on concussions in sports, and how they can affect the participants in the short and long term.  This type of injury is nothing new, but seems to have increased in frequency and severity, sometimes ending careers or causing problems later in life. Mainstream medicines approach is to focus on the injury inside the skull and treat symptoms of concussion as they occur, with rest, drugs and, in some extreme cases, surgery.

If these treatment protocols are used and not all symptoms disappear completely after fourteen days, what are the options except more time?  We believe the neck and, specifically, the alignment of the cervical vertebrae needs to be examined in addition to established protocols that focus inside the skull. 

Injury to brain tissue is well documented but what about the effect of the forces on the neck? Injury to the neck can also cause inflammation as a result of soft tissue damage, as well as misalignment of the cervical vertebrae. This change in the alignment of the vertebrae also impacts the vertebral arteries by changing the dynamic flow pattern, which happens because of change in position and shape of the arteries.

There are many entry and exit points at the base of the skull and all have pressure sensitivities. If this dynamic flow pattern is changed, the natural healing power of the body will be less efficient and recovery will be slower. Full recovery is dependent on complete restoration of the full dynamic circulation pattern- not only by treating inside the skull, but by restoring the alignment of the cervical vertebrae. Remember that anything affecting the neck will also affect the brain as the neck is the pathway to and from the brain.

Our solution is to restore the natural alignment of the cervical vertebrae allowing more natural blood flow so the body’s natural healing is made more efficient. This manipulation of the neck is not the normal chiropractic adjustment but is done using the special techniques in Structural Dynamic Therapy*.

The important distinction with these techniques is areas of treatment are based on the clients own sensation and the focus on each vertebrae and its position in the spinal column. The client’s sensation is the only reliable measuring tool allowing us to create a more stable alignment resulting in a more complete recovery.  We are not suggesting the neck is the only issue, however; we want to support other treatment’s already in use.
balance.  function.  vitality.