Why was Structural Dynamic Therapy developed?
Structural Dynamic Therapy (SDT) was developed to keep the body in balance in a dynamic functional environment, and provide quick relief from pain.

What is the theory behind Structural Dynamic Therapy? 
The laws of physics say that gravity is a constant and acts on the body even at rest. Sometimes movement under or against these forces can cause a misalignment. Once this happens, the misaligned structure can affect all the other structures in the body and cause compensation in dynamic movement to allow for this change in balance. This change in movement can also lead to further misalignment and a reduction of   overall efficiency. Mis-alignments also change the shape of the compartments which then can reduce blood flow and nerve impulses. Energy flow (chi) and communication between organs is not as efficient when influenced by a misaligned structure. Structural problems affect both the bio-mechanical and bio-chemical process.

What is Structural Dynamic Therapy and how is it done?
Structural Dynamic Therapy is a unique solution for fast relief from pain, based on orthopaedic principles and dynamic structural movement. This is accomplished using a combination of massage, manipulation and the client’s own proprioception to restore the affected area(s) back to a neutral and balanced position. This therapy is also excellent to maintain the body’s balance during dynamic movement. Explain proprioception. Proprioceptor means ‘nerve ending’ and is defined as a sensory nerve ending in muscles, tendons and joints that provides a sense of the body’s position by responding to stimuli from within the body 1  This sensation allows you to feel where your body parts are relative to each other and how they move during dynamic movement. The client’s proprioception is the most important measuring tool during treatment.

Explain Orthopaedic Principles
Structural Dynamic Therapy is based on individual function of soft tissue, bones and myofacial compartments and how they work together to create a healthy feeling and smooth movement. The skeleton is the framework whose joints (leverage points) are made stable by the ligaments. The muscles provide the power allowing the levers to move against gravity. The myofacial compartments contain blood, lymph and nerves. If for any reason these structures change they can affect all other structures and lead to less efficient movement.

Explain Dynamic Movement
How the body moves in a three dimensional environment against gravity and other forces is what is referred to as Dynamic Movement.

What is different about this therapy?
The practitioner consults with the client using the clients own proprioception to diagnose the problem and plan a course of treatment. Through treatment, balance is restored back to a neutral position. The clients own proprioception is used to asses if the treatment is successful. It has been shown in our clinical experience that this results in faster healing and less treatments than other therapies.

What types of injury can be helped with Structural Dynamic Therapy?
We consider most injuries to be visible as a cut or swelling or invisible as in misalignment. Soft tissue should heal in 10-14 days and bone about six weeks if conditions for healing are met. If a misalignment of any type has occurred then healing efficiency will be reduced. Once the alignment is reset then healing will be faster. As always, this assessment is based on the client’s proprioception.

How can Structural Dynamic Therapy help me?
By restoring a natural balanced alignment, the body’s own natural healing mechanism will work more efficiently resulting in faster healing. Regular maintenance can also keep the body running as efficiently as possible and give a greater sense of well being.

What happens when I go for treatment?
You will be asked to provide as much information as you can on the nature of your problem(s) so the practitioner can diagnose and begin treatment. You will be asked frequently during treatment for feedback so that a complete balancing of the affected area(s) is possible.

How soon will I feel relief, how long does it last, and why three treatments to start?
You will feel a change immediately in most cases as the body is brought back into balance and your own propreoception is the best measuring tool to assess the changes that are occurring. Depending on the amount of inflammation present, a complete adjustment might not be possible the first time but can be completed after the inflammation is reduced. For new clients we suggest three treatments to make sure the corrected area(s) are stable and aligned with all the other structures. You may feel it was treated in one session but, without testing in daily activity you may experience some discomfort coming back or it will seemed to have moved to a new location. By having three treatments a more detailed alignment can completed. As always, this is based on the client’s proprioception.

How will I feel after a session?
For the most part you will feel more balanced and comfortable, but in some cases there might be some discomfort as the body adjusts to the new alignment. This feeling usually lasts no more than forty-eight hours. In some cases, this adjustment can illuminate other mis-alignments that the body can no longer compensate for and these mis-alignments will require further adjustment. As always, this is based on the client’s proprioception.

How soon can I resume normal activity?
Unless there is a restriction of movement or too much pain you can continue with your normal activities. Discontinue if you feel unsure or the problem returns. How often do I need treatment?In our clinical experience most cases can be satisfied in three sessions. Depending on the severity of the problem, additional treatment may be required, but this is always based on the client’s own propreoception. For maintenance treatments, the client can decide when they need a tune up.

How fast will I heal?
Keep in mind that under optimal conditions soft tissue heals in 10-14 days and bone about six weeks. Restoring the alignment helps the body to reach that optimum condition and allows for faster healing.

Should I come for a session when I am not in pain?
You may have mis-alignments that the body can compensate for, but adding one more may upset the balance and pain may be experienced. Many people come for what’s come to be known as a “tune up”. They have come to recognize the value of preventive maintenance in keeping themselves healthy and pain free.

How do I get out of alignment?
Alignments can happen in for many reasons, but the most common are from repetitive movements in an unsecured position (poor posture when doing a task) or from a sudden change in posture under gravity (as from lifting a heavy object or sneezing).  Misalignment can also occur if you have lost weight as the body might not adjust comfortably to the new shape and way of moving.

Sometimes it hurts during treatment, what does this mean?
Treatment can sometimes be uncomfortable, but the pain is usually temporary as the joints are put back into balance. It is natural to feel discomfort when joints are manipulated to the end of their rotation; it is the body’s perception that the movement is not safe. You may also experience discomfort in other areas you may not have noticed but, that are related to the affected area(s). Once all these alignments are corrected you will feel much more balanced and move more efficiently.

Can you sum up all this info in a nutshell?
You can think of each joint in your body as a Rubik’s Cube that needs to not only match itself, but all of the others as well. This may sound like a lot of complicated measuring, but by using the clients own proprioception, the feedback on the question “how does it feel” is immediate.  The treatment is much faster in most cases than other techniques and offers a more permanent solution.